2011 Softball NL Award Winners
Softball Newfoundland & Labrador held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday, January 14th, 2012 at Holy Cross Elementary School on St. Clare Avenue in St. John’s.
2011 Softball NL Award Winners
Minor Executive of the Year: Don King
Adult Executive of the Year: Jason Manning
Coach of the Year: Jeff Kirk
Umpire of the Year: Joe Devereaux
Rookie Umpire of the Year Home Run Sports: Clyde Power
Minor Female Player of the Year: Diana Carroll
Minor Male Player of the Year: Jeremy O’Reilly
Adult Female Player of the Year: Amy Corbett
Adult Male Player of the Year: Jason Hill
Bob Whelan Memorial Award: Chris Whelan
Softball Newfoundland & Labrador Would Like To Congratulate All Of The 2011 Award Winners!