Tom Jackman – Canadian Autism Leadership Award Recipient
The Softball Community Would Like To Take This Opportunity To Congratulate Tom Jackman – A Friend Of Softball – On Being Named A Recipient Of The 2nd Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Award!
Congratulations Tom!
We are trilled to introduce you to the recipient of the Second Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Award, Tom Jackman.
Tom Jackman is an Autistic advocate for acceptance of people on the autism spectrum. He has been invited to speak and do presentations at many national conferences, including the Geneva Centre for Autism conference in Toronto, the pre-eminent international conference on autism. Tom is featured in the film Autism Grows Up, a Kelly Brothers/Ability Hub production, which takes a look at the employment challenges of young adults living on the spectrum. He is also featured in the book Autism: The Gift That Needs to Be Opened; a resource aimed at improving the lives of parents, educators, and those on the autism spectrum.
In 2013, Tom received a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal to recognize his volunteer work with the Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Tom, we thank you for your vision, collaboration, openness, kindness, and contributions towards a better Canada for Autistic people across the country. We value your commitment to the creation of a National Autism Strategy.
The Jim and Ginette Munson Autism Leadership Award was created by Autism Alliance of Canada in recognition of the unflagging determination and leadership shown by the Hon. Senator Jim Munson and his wife, Ginette Munson.
Tom’s prize is a beautiful work of art created by Benjamin Lachapelle (BenAnimalia), named “Hooting Indian Eagle Owl” (2021 Benjamin Lachapelle).
Learn more about Tom by visiting Disability Without Poverty
#CALS2023 #AutismAcceptance #WorldAutismMonth #Leadership #NationalAutismStrategy