2011 Softball Newfoundland & Labrador Awards

Deadline for Nominations: Thursday, Dec. 5th, 2011.

All Nominations must be emailed to Softball NL at softball@sportnl.ca.

Do you know of a coach, player, sponsor, and/or fan that is deserving of this year’s Softball Newfoundland & Labrador Annual Awards?

Softball NL will accept nominations for the following awards:

1. Coach of the Year Award

Local, regional, provincial and/or national level.

This award is not limited to a coach with the “most” wins and most medals. Winning is the easy part of any sport. Preparing to win is what makes the difference between a coach and a great coach. A successful coach not only understands how to communicate with players in a way that achieves results, but they effectively guide, inspire and empower their players to realize and develop their individual potential.

The role of a coach in softball is both powerful and essential. Having a good coach not only means the difference between having a team that is successful, but one in which the team members enjoy, excel and thrive. A good coach often wears several hats. They are frequently a mixture of teacher, counselor, cheerleader, motivator, and mentor.

2. Bob Whalen Memorial Award

For outstanding contributions to the game of softball-on and off the field.

Mr. Whalen gave many years promoting the game of softball in Kilbride, Waterford Valley and Newfoundland and Labrador. He organized practices, games, leagues, and was instrumental in the direct successful of softball in his area.

3. Executive of the Year Award (Minor & Adult)

For a member of a community/association that has helped their teams and promoted the game through the 2011 season.

Note: There are two separate Executive Awards for Minor and Adult Softball.

4. Minor (Male) Player of the Year Award

Outstanding performances in minor softball during the 2011 season.

5. Minor (Female) Player of the Year Award

Outstanding performances in minor softball during the 2011 season.

6. Adult (Male) Player of the Year Award

Outstanding performances in Junior/Senior softball during the 2011 season.

7. Adult (Female) Player of the Year Award

Outstanding performances in Junior/Senior softball during the 2011 season.

If you know of a deserving individual for any or all of these awards please submit your nomination via email.

Please provide as much detailed information as possible.

Softball Newfoundland & Labrador
P.O. Box 21165
St. John’s, NL
A1A 5B2
