Softballers In NL Sports HOF
Bill Davis will be inducted into the NL Sports Hall of Fame at the Stars and Legends Awards Gala at the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland in St. John’s, NL on April 11th, 2015.
Bill becomes the 18th Softballer (11 in the Athlete Category & 7 in the Builder Category) to be inducted into the NL Sports Hall of Fame.
Here is the list of Softballers that have been inducted into the NL Sports Hall of Fame in the Athlete Category:
Athlete Category (Induction Date)
Len Beresford (November 20th, 1993)
Marg Davis (November 19th, 1994)
Ford Metcalfe (October 18th, 1997)
Ross Crocker (October 18th, 1997)
Rose Foley (October 31st, 1998)
Colleen Tapper (November 3rd, 2001)
Patty Polych (November 2nd, 2002)
Patrick G. Kelly (April 10th, 2010)
Debby Power (April 14th, 2012)
Colin Abbott (April 12th, 2014)
Bill Davis (April 11th, 2015)
Here is the list of Softballers that have been inducted into the NL Sports Hall of Fame in the Builder Category:
Builder Category (Induction Date)
Donald Johnson (November 6th, 1982)
Denis (Dee) Murphy (November 2nd, 1985)
Terry Trainor (November 4th, 1988)
Alexander (Duey) Fiztgerald (November 20th, 1993)
Vince Withers (October 28th, 1995)
Fred Jackson (October 22nd, 2005)
William J. Barron (April 10th, 2010)