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Umpire Clinic Information (Update)

2018 Umpire Clinics

CBS Umpires Clinic
Date: Saturday, April 28, 2018
Time: 9:30am to 2:00pm
Location: Parson’s Club House & Field
Instructor: DUIC Joe Devereaux
-Bring A Bag Lunch

Contact Info:

Cost Per Each Participant
All Youth U19 = $40.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $60.00
Adults Level I = $50.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $70.00
Adults Level II = $65.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $85.00
Adults Level III-V = $100.00 Registration + $25.00 NLUA Mentor Uniform = $125.00

NLUA Uniform
All umpires need to have the NLUA Uniform when officiating at the Provincial Level. It includes a Navy Blue Polo Shirt and Softball Canada Hat. Individuals are responsible for acquiring Grey Shorts (Slo-Pitch) or Grey Pants (Fast-Pitch).

The NLUA Uniforms would be distributed at the Umpires Clinic and permissible to us at all sanctioned Softball NL Events and Registered League Games.


St. John’s (Metro Region)
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2018
Time: 9:00am – 2:30pm (9:00am Registration)
Location: Shea Heights Community Centre
Instructor: UIC Keith Pender
-Bring A Bag Lunch

Contact Info:



The Clinic would take between 4.5 – 5 Hours — depending on the number of participants.

9:00 – Registration
9:30 – Rules
12:15 – Bag Lunch (15-mins)
12:30 – 90-120 mins for Field Mechanics — depending on number of Participants

2:30pm – 3:30pm NLUA Evaluators Information Session (1 HR)

Cost Per Each Participant
All Youth U19 = $40.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $60.00
Adults Level I = $50.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $70.00
Adults Level II = $65.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $85.00
Adults Level III-V = $100.00 Registration + $25.00 NLUA Mentor Uniform = $125.00

NLUA Uniform
All umpires need to have the NLUA Uniform when officiating at the Provincial Level. It includes a Navy Blue Polo Shirt and Softball Canada Hat. Individuals are responsible for acquiring Grey Shorts (Slo-Pitch) or Grey Pants (Fast-Pitch).

NLUA Mentors Uniform
NLUA Shirt (Red) and SC Hat. You would wear this to all events. Participants would identify you as one of the umpire leaders of the program. You would wear Grey Shorts (Slo-Pitch) or Pants (Fast-Pitch).

The NLUA Uniforms would be distributed at the Umpires Clinic and permissible to us at all sanctioned Softball NL Events and Registered League Games.


Female Umpires Clinic
Date: May 26, 2018
Time: 9:00am – 2:30pm (9:00am Registration)
Location: Shea Heights Community Centre
Instructor: DUIC Kearney O’Keefe
-Bring A Bag Lunch

Contact Info:



Cost Per Each Participant
All Youth U19 = $40.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $60.00
Adults Level I = $50.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $70.00
Adults Level II = $65.00 Registration + $20.00 Uniform = $85.00
Adults Level III-V = $100.00 Registration + $25.00 NLUA Mentor Uniform = $125.00

NLUA Uniform
All umpires need to have the NLUA Uniform when officiating at the Provincial Level. It includes a Navy Blue Polo Shirt and Softball Canada Hat. Individuals are responsible for acquiring Grey Shorts (Slo-Pitch) or Grey Pants (Fast-Pitch).

NLUA Mentors Uniform
NLUA Shirt (Red) and SC Hat. You would wear this to all events. Participants would identify you as one of the umpire leaders of the program. You would wear Grey Shorts (Slo-Pitch) or Pants (Fast-Pitch).

The NLUA Uniforms would be distributed at the Umpires Clinic and permissible to us at all sanctioned Softball NL Events and Registered League Games.


Other Clinic Sites
The following sites will also be having Association Umpire Clinics – Dates To Follow.

Corner Brook: Instructor – Zone UIC Aaron Pauley
Port Aux Basques: Instructor – Zone UIC Aaron Pauley
Gander: Instructor – UIC Keith Pender
Clarenville: Instructor Zone UIC Tyler Wells
Carbonear: Instructor – DUIC Terry Sweeney
Placentia: Instructor – DUIC Terry Sweeney
CBC: Instructor – DUIC Joe Devereaux
CBS: Instructor – DUIC Joe Devereaux
Southern Shore: Instructor – DUIC Terry Sweeney
Torbay/Outer Cove/Cape St. Francis – Instructor – DUIC Kearney O’Keefe


Clinic Instructors
For further information, please contact the Instructor in your zone.

Terry Sweeney – DUIC Minor Fastpitch

Kearney O’Keefe – DUIC Female Officiating

Joe Devereaux – DUIC Minor Slo-Pitch

Aaron Pauley – Zone UIC Corner Brook

Tyler Wells – Zone UIC Clarenville

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