Softball NL 2019 Minor Symposium

In September 2018, Softball NL hosted a Minor Symposium at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers building in Holyrood. The 2018 Symposium was considered a major success and as a result, Softball NL plan to hold another one at the Justina Centre (108 Outer Cove Road) in Outer Cove on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 9:30am to 5:00pm (Lunch Provided).

The Agenda is being finalized and will be sent out this week. A full day of information sharing, networking and some hands on work is anticipated.

This will be a great opportunity to discuss and share how the entire softball community can all work together to build on its strengths, identify gaps and to collectively work together to make softball better for 2020 and beyond.

The Minor Symposium is FREE and Softball NL are anticipating at least one member from each association to participate.

Stay Tuned For More Information This Week.