Squirt “A” Male Fastpitch Provincials (1973-Present)

The Squirt “A”  Male Fastpitch Provincial has been was held from 1973 to Present.

1973 Placentia
1974 Placentia
1975 Placentia
1976 Placentia
1977 Bishops Falls
1978 Placentia
1979 Placentia
1980 Conception Bay North
1981 Placentia
1982 Conception Bay North
1983 Higher Levels
1984 Waterford Valley
1985 Placentia
1986 Placentia
1987 Waterford Valley
1988 Placentia
1989 Placentia
1990 No Competition
1991 Waterford Valley
1992 Placentia
1993 Conception Bay Central
1994 Conception Bay central
1995 Conception Bay Central
1996 Conception Bay Central
1997 Conception Bay Central
1998 Conception Bay Central
1999 Kilbride
2000 Placentia
2001 Placentia
2002 Goulds
2003 Goulds
2004 Goulds
2005 Conception Bay Central
2006 Placentia
2007 Waterford Valley
2008 Waterford Valley
2009 Goulds
2010 Conception Bay Central
2011 Placentia
2012 Placentia
2013 Goulds


George Pomroy, Joe Lake, Glen Nolan, Fred Greene, Mike Mullaley, Dick Martin, Tony Martin, Chris Newhook, Tim Careen, Al Healey, Tim Hogan, Rick Taylor, Kevin Lannon, Pam Hogan-Manager and Joe Joy-Coach.

Joe Lake, Dave Milley, Dick Martin, Tony Martin, Rest of the Team Members Unavailable.

Paul McGrath, Dick Martin, Tony Martin, Rest of the Team Members Unavailable.

Tony Martin, Rest of the Team Members Unavailable.

1977-Bishops Falls
Stephen Byrne, Rest of the Team Members Unavailable.

Stephen Alexander, Rest of the Team Members Unavailable.

Darrell Traverse, Jerry King, Tommy Belbin, Mike Houlihan, Dick Emberley, Johnny Hart, Ted Schabell, Roger Power, Rodney Martin, Stephen Alexander, John Coffey, Carl Taylor, Carl Pomroy, Gerald Bavis, Todd Norman, Bob Duke, Tom (Tucker) Murphy-Coach and Dominic O’Reilly-Coach.

1980-Conception Bay North
Todd Reid, Sheldon Waterman, Rest of the Team Members Unavailable.


1982-Conception Bay North
Tommy Peckford, Rod Keefe, Scott Mercer, Rest of the Team Members Unavailable.

1983-Higher Levels
Mike Shute, Ted Russell, Scott Barron, Sean O’Brien, Sean Reid, Ron Power, Chris Browne, Bobby Snow, Sean Collins, Gord Heath, Glen Norris, Joe Gibbons-Coach and Ted Grouchy-Coach.

1984-Waterford Valley
Kenny Taylor, Brian Bowen, Shane Hogan, Sean Murphy, Paul Hunt, Tony Murphy, Harold Hussey, Mark Donnelly, Kenny Fardy, Geoff Bullen, Stephen Finch, Jason Clark and Shelby Miller-Coach.



1987-Watyerford Valley

Carl Traverse, Michael Pittman, Robbie Pittman, David Griffin, Joey Evely, Lloyd Traverse, Maurice Francis, David Pearson, Glen Pitcher, Ross Hefford, Roy Daley, David King, Anslom Griffiths, Trevor King, Todd Smith, John Pittman-Coach and David Spurvey-Coach.



1991-Waterford Valley
Jonathan King, Karl Dehart, Craig Harvey, Mark Northcott, Terry Walsh, Greg Buckingham, Chris Quinlan, Joey Martin, Rick Smith, Philip Jackman, Tony Vinnicombe, Chris Murphy, Gordon Payne, Tony Murphy-Coach and John Veitch-Coach.

C White, Jason Manning, Doug Marshall, Chad Whiffen, Dan Ryan, Gary Foley, Kenny Hodder, Jeff O’Keefe, Jason White, Russell Woodman, Brian Quilty, Robbie Greene, Scott Greene and Tom Whiffen-Coach.

1993-Conception Bay Central
Blair Ezekiel, Jerry Dalton, Jason Dalton, Michael Carroll, Jonathan Kelly, John Buckle, Mark Ryan, Geoff Grace, Jeff Wall, Evan Connors, Joe Connors, Trevor Trahey, Colin Moriarity, Chad Hawco and Brian Carroll-Coach.

1994-Conception Bay Central
Justin Hawco, Gary Woodford, JJ Myers, Joe Connors, Evan Connors, Richard Parsley, Michael Moore, Ricky Phillips, Leon Cantwell, Wade Lewis, David Whelan, Chris Mahoney, Jerry Dalton, Phonse Murray and Ron Whelan-Coach.

1995-Conception Bay Central
Stephen Strapp, Kyle Corbett, Wade Lewis, Danny Connors, Peter Wade, Sean Cleary, Ray Hickey, Joe Connors, Jimmy Healey, Michael Murphy, DJ Wall, Richard Parsley, Michael Power, Mike Strapp-Coach and Gus Hickey-Coach.

1996-Conception Bay Central
Gary Bruce, David Lewis, Travis O’Leary, Ray Hickey, Ray Hawco, Danny Connors, Andrew Carroll, Sean Cleary, Chris McCarthy, Stephen Strapp, Terry Myers, Adam Cullen, Mark Whelan and Gus Hickey-Coach.

1997-Conception Bay Central
David Lewis, Justin Kenny, Jack Conway, Neil Connors, Derm Hepditch, PJ Strapp, Justin Gill, Jeff Walsh, Mark Whelan, Josh Healey, Kevin Costello, Patrick Whelan, Jonathan O’Toole and Ron Whelan-Coach.

1998-Conception Bay Central
Brad Ezekiel, Shane O’Brien, Wayne Bruce, Jeff Walsh, Robert  Corbett, Marl Lewis, Ryan Quinlan, BJ Whelan, Jerry McCarthy, Warren Connors, Matthew Myers, Shane Noseworthy, Adam Lewis, Justin Gill, Andrew Gorman, Pat Bruce-Coach and Cyril Gorman-Coach.

Justin  Quinlan, Sean Mackey, Dale King, Len King, Michael Mackey, Geoff Breen, Richard Hurley, Stephen Stead, Luke Adam, Corey Williams, Mike Baldwin, RJ Duke, Stephen Slaney, Richard Mackey-Coach, Randy Duke-Coach and Doug Puddister-Coach.

Mitchell Callahan, Johnny O’Reilly, Jonathan Culleton, Jamie Roach, Chris Healey, Paul Healey, Colin Whiffen, Evan Greene, Jordan Blanche, Michael McGrath, Wayne Smith, Vince Kerrivan, John Walsh, Steven Healey, Nelson Woodman, Pat Callahan-Coach, Jim Roach-Coach and Dick O’Reilly-Coach.

Justin Linehan, Cory Murphy, Steven Healey, Vince Kerrivan, Stephen McGrath, Colin McGrath, Evan Greene, Nicholas O’Reilly, Adam Mandville, Johnny O’Reilly, Wayne Smith, William Brewer, Al Healey-Coach, Bill O’Reilly-Coach and Dick O’Reilly-Coach.

Steven Brazil, Stephen Joy, Shane Boland, Jason Walsh, Trent Best, Justin Kelly, Andrew Gale, Stephen Crocker, Stephen Hammond, Adam Molloy, Jeff Croft, Bradley McCullough, Alex Power, Pat Gale-Coach and Dave Boland-Coach.

Shane Boland, Steven Brazil, Alex Power, Andrew Gale, Ryan Kirk, Stephen Crocker, Justin Kelly, Matthew Walsh, Colin Walsh, Mark Power, Mitchell Martin, Jonathan Mootrey, Barry Fitzgerald, Dave Boland-Coach and Jeff Kirk-Coach.

Ryan Kirk, Jonathan Mootrey, Tyler Dinn, Mark Power, Steven Hand, Brandon Baird, Justin Whitten, Greg Williams, Mark Williams, Geoff Stack, Matthew Hurley, Colin Walsh, Mitchell Martin, Nathan Costello, Jason Gulliver, Dylan Joy, Klark Brockerville-Coach and Jeff Kirk-Coach.

2005-Conception Bay Central
Philip Corbett, Brandon Woodford, Nathan Rees, Andrew Flanagan, Kyle Spencer, DJ Lake, Jason Corbett, Jordan Penney, John Gushue, Jeffery Lewis, Jeff Conway, Jonathan Fewer, Josh Myers, Lucas Conway, Bill Woodford-Manager, Roger Flanagan-Coach and Jim Corbett-Coach.

Gerard Dray, Jordan Dray, Bradley Budden, Evan O’Keefe, Colby Murphy, Nicole Blanche, Devin Whelan, Daniel Foote, Scott Greene, Alex Martin, Matthew Power, Michael Murphy, John Budden-Manager and Gerard Dray-Coach.

2007-Waterford Valley
Adam Healey, Cody Donaghey, Jordan Noftall, Cody Basha, Levi Hogan, Bradley Power, Shane Dobbin, Brandon Pomroy, Chad Gavin, Ryan Kenny, Michael Hansford, Mike King, John Healey, Greg Tracy, Nick Harte, Paul Healey-Coach and Donny King-Coach.

2008-Waterford Valley
John Conway, Michael Hansford, Braden Hewitt, Nathan Kenny, Ryan Kenny, Paul King, Jordan Noftall, Brad Power, Cody Power, Brandon Reid, Paddy Slaney, Greg Tracy and Austin Kenny-Coach.

Blake Dalton, Tyler Templeman, Simon Davis-Power, Mitchell Stack, Liam Kirk, Conor McCarthy, David Fitzgerald, Michael Dalton, Keeghan Ridgley, Aaron Williams, Matthew Kenny, Alex Whitten, Michael Dalton-Coach, Scott Whitten-Coach and Jeff Kirk-Coach.

2010-Conception Bay Central
Josh Cole, Nicholas Dalton, Kirkland Doyle, Cody Fewer, Dylan Gushue, Cody Hawco, Shane Healey, Kyle Kelly, George Kennedy, Brady Ryan, Gerald Wall, Jeremy Walsh, Michelle Connors-Manager, Jeff Conway-Coach and Leon Cantwell-Coach.

Liam Shea, Cody Traverse, Jordan Pomeroy, Joel Nash, Marcus Pittman, Joey Sweeney, Ryan Hickey, Douglas Cheeseman, Cody Power, Michael Leonard-Power, TJ Schumann, Jonathan Griffiths, William Griffiths, William Neville, Dave Shea-Manager and Bill Pomeroy-Coach.

Liam Shea, Marcus Pittman, Jackson Davis, Joseph Sweeney, TJ Schumann, Jonathan Griffiths, William Griffiths, Douglas Cheeseman, William Hickey, Michael Gibbons, Jarod Bohlke, Kevin Taylor, Tyra Lannon, Nick French, Alex French & Jake Kelly. Coaches David Shea, John Pittman & Karl Griffiths.

Joshua Power, Daniel Campbell, Travis Coady, Keith Dinn, Austin Earle, Ryan Maher, Brendan McCarthy, Ryan Kelly, Riley Spurrell, Adam Martin, Brayden Halweg, Logan Howlett, Dale Kelly-Coach, Chris Maher-Coach, Bill Coady-Coach, Danny Campbell-Coach.

If you were a member of any of the Championship Teams Listed above or know of someone who was a member of any of the Championship Teams Listed above and you are able to or they are able to provide a list of the names of the players that played on the Championship Teams please send an email to Bill Barron at the following email address: billbarron@nl.rogers.com.

Any assistance will the collection of information would be Greatly Appreciated!


NOTE: Minor Awards Were Dropped in 1983.

1973 Glen Nolan (Placentia) .667BA
1974 Joe Lake (Placentia) .600BA
1975 Paul McGrath (Placentia) .600BA
1976 Jason Whalen (Higher Levels) .786BA
1977 Andy Thorne (Grand Falls) .610BA
1978 Brad Slaney (Bishops Falls) .583BA
1979 Joey Fagan (Conception Bay South) .563BA
1980 Todd Reid (Conception Bay North) .600BA
1981 Unavailable
1982 Tommy Peckford (Conception Bay North) .565BA

1973 Joe Lake (Placentia)
1974 Dave Milley (Placentia)
1975 Dick Martin (Placentia)
1976 Tony Martin (Placentia)
1977 Stephen Byrne (Bishops Falls)
1978 Stephen Alexander (Placentia)
1979 Jeff Tilley (Conception Bay South)
1980 Sheldon Waterman (Conception Bay North)
1981 Unavailable
1982 Rod Keefe (Conception Bay North)

1973 Brian Davis (Bishops Falls)
1974 Paul Healey (Windsor)
1975 Darren Devereaux (Marystown)
1976 Sean Kelly (Conception Bay South)
1976 Carl Power (Marystown)
1980 Unavailable
1981 Unavailable
1982 Scott Mercer (Conception Bay North)