Call For Intent – 2021 Fastpitch Leagues (U10, U12, U14, U16, U19)
If your Association is interested in entering teams in the 2021 Fastpitch Leagues (U10, U12, U14, U16, U19) please submit the following Call For Intent – 2021 Fastpitch Leagues Form to Dave Feener, Executive Director at by Friday, May 07, 2021.
It is important to note that only 1 form per Association is required, as you can indicate each Division in which you plan to have a team participate in. Please include the Name and email for each Team Contact (i.e., Coach).
Due to the complexity in organizing schedules and field times – LATE TEAMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The goal is to have schedules developed before that start of June.
Here is looking forward to another great summer of Softball!
Sean Cadigan
Minor Director
Softball NL