Female Bursary Recipients (Softball Canada)

Established with funding from a Sport Canada grant, Softball Canada is excited to have been able to support female role models in softball by providing financial assistance to female coaches and umpires looking to develop and promote their knowledge and expertise.
The bursary program which ran November 10th, 2020 – March 31st, 2021 was able to provide financial assistance to individuals, clubs, and/or Provincial/Territorial associations with initiatives that will advance the development of female coaches and/or umpires. This grant opportunity focused on:
- Female umpire development
- Female coach development
- Removing financial barriers to accessing programming
- Increasing the number of female role models in Softball across Canada
Softball Canada is proud to have been able to support some of the following individuals, associations, and initiatives:
- Alika Kingsbury, ON
- Amanda Harris, ON
- Association de Balle Molle Élite du Sud Ouest, QC
- Association des Arbitres de Softball Québec régions Laval (AASQL), QC
- Elissa Sivel, ON
- Elodie Doucet, QC
- Jenna Connolly, NL
- Jennifer Drader, AB
- Jennifer Johnston, ON
- Maria Roque, ON
- Michelle Webster, BC
- Rhonda Danchak, AB
- Ridge Meadows Minor Softball, BC
- Softball Alberta, AB
- Softball New Brunswick, NB
- Softball New Brunswick Umpires, NB
- Softball Newfoundland, NL
- Softball Nova Scotia Umpires, NS
- Softball PEI Umpires, PE
- Tammy Gallamore, BC
- Teresa Allen, BC
- Winnie Druken, NL