Softball Newfoundland and Labrador
Representation at Eastern Canadian and National Softball Championships
This policy outlines the process of Softball Newfoundland and Labrador (SNL) for determining representation and procedures to be followed at Eastern Canadian and National Championships.
1. Softball Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Directors:
Softball Newfoundland and Labrador (SNL) shall determine how the province will be best represented at Eastern Canadian and National Championships each year. SNL will also decide whether or not it is appropriate to send multiple teams from a division (where permitted by Softball Canada). SNL reserve the authority to decline sending teams in any division whereby suitable representation from the Province is not possible.
2. Head Coach:
The head coach shall be a member in good standing with Softball Newfoundland and Labrador. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, the process for appointment to any head coaching position shall be:
i. SNL Coaching Committee will advertise the head coach position for the particular team;
ii. SNL Coaching Committee will make a recommendation to the SNL Board of Directors an individual to be appointed as head coach (note: SNL Board of Directors reserve the right to re-advertise any position if a suitable candidate is not found);
iii. Where a suitable candidate does not apply the SNL Board of Directors may solicit suitable candidates to fill such coaching positions.
The appointed head coach for an SNL Provincial All Star team must remain in contact with the Coaching Committee and provide regular updates on the progress of the team.
The head coach must prepare the following in advance of tryout process:
i. List of coaching staff members and name of team manager to be approved by SNL Coaching Committee/Board of Directors. All team staff members (including team manager) must be members in good standing with SNL and hold the appropriate level of NCCP coach certification for the age group and level of competition as determined by SNL/Softball Canada. SNL Board of Directors reserve the right to refuse the involvement of any individual deemed inappropriate to fill a role within the Provincial program;
ii. Certificate of Conduct and Vulnerable Sector documents of all team staff members and team manager (SNL Minor All Star teams);
iii. Seasonal plan for team and player development;
iv. Timeline for tryout and team selection notice;
v. Team budget and financial plan;
The head coach must ensure that all players trying out for the SNL Provincial All Star team (minor – adult) meet eligibility requirements including,
i. are members in good standing with Softball Newfoundland and Labrador; and
ii. meet the age requirements for the category for which they wish to participate. Note: players must try out within their own age category to be eligible.
The head coach must immediately inform SNL in writing the names of ineligible players who attend try outs or have expressed an interest in trying out but do not meet either/both of these criteria. Players determined by the SNL Board of Directors to be ineligible are not permitted to have involvement with any (SNL) Provincial All Star team.
Final roster selections (including pickups, where applicable) must be approved by SNL Director responsible (Minor or Adult) and/or SNL President.
Within 30 days of the conclusion of the team’s competitive season, the head coach must provide SNL Coaching Committee/Board of Directors with a financial statement of revenue and expenditures. NOTE: any funds remaining after all expenses have been covered must be placed in trust with SNL. It is not permissible to distribute remaining fundraised money to players, parents, coaches, or other individuals once all legitimate expenses have been paid.
3. Players:
A. Players must be members in good standing with Softball Newfoundland and Labrador (SNL) to be eligible to attend try outs for any SNL Provincial All Star team (minor – adult).
B. Players must try out within their own age category for the SNL Provincial All Star team.
Exception: a player is identified and invited to try out by the head coach of an elite level Provincial All Star program. In this case, the head coach of the elite program would have the option to:
i. retain the player to compete at the higher age category;
ii. recommend the player play at their own age category to further skill development; or
iii. recommend player play at both age categories if the player would benefit and if feasible.
C. Players selected to represent the Province as a member of any SNL Provincial All Star team must commit to the goals of the program as determined by the head coach and act in a manner that not only supports team success but also individual skill development and performance. This shall include (not limited to):
• regular attendance of team training, competition, and other important team functions;
• meeting financial obligations for training, competition, and travel
•conducting behavior in a manner that supports the entire team and act as an ambassador for SNL at all times;
•accountability for all other team obligations and personal actions in relation to the team.
D. Where an SNL Provincial All Star team has chosen to enter an invitational tournament or other competition that is also open to other club teams, players must play with the SNL All Star team unless otherwise approved by SNL. If a player chooses to not play with the all SNL Provincial All Star team he/she will forfeit their roster position on the all star team for the remainder of the season.
•NOTE: The coach/manager of the club team does not have the right to prevent the individual player from participating as a member of the SNL sanctioned All Star team or to penalize in any way a player who is unavailable to the club team due to All Star commitments.
E. Players shall have the right to refuse trying out or playing at own age level, but once a player has declined to try out or has rejected an offer to play at own age level for any reason the player shall not be eligible to participate with any other SNL Provincial All Star teams during that season.
i. The coach/manager of club or other SNL All Star team does not have the right of refusal on behalf of the player;
ii. Where applicable to the team selection process, tryouts will be advertised on the SNL official website ( and through a variety of other print and electronic media so that all players have the opportunity to be informed. A player will not be excused because he/she claims they “did not know” about tryouts within their age group;
iii. Any coach/ manager/player not following the above outlined process for SNL Provincial All Star team participation may be subject to disciplinary action through Softball Newfoundland and Labrador;
iv. Any player may appeal the above process to the SNL Director responsible (Minor or Adult) if he/she can show reasonable evidence that an exception should be made in the individual players situation. No other coach or manager may appeal on the behalf of the player.