Softball Canada Umpire, SNL Umpire Clinic Info
Potential Umpires/Associations
1. It takes a certain type of person to be a…SOFTBALL CANADA UMPIRE…are YOU that type of person or can you find that type of person?
2. There are so many fantastic BENEFITS to becoming an umpire:
-Earn extra cash
-Improve/maintain your fitness level
-Meet interesting people
-Learn to make snap decisions
-Become a member of a fantastic team
-Be involved in one of the most popular sports
-Opportunity for travel-work some high profile games
-Serve as role models for all currently enjoying softball
3. This is in addition to so many other benefits of umpiring! We are looking for all (teens and adults, male or female) to umpire in the NL area.
4. Be advised that the Metro Area Clinic will be conducted at a place/time TBD on Saturday, May 7, 2011 in St. John’s; more details will be put in the local paper and under the News Section on the SNL Web Site.
Players who wish to umpire are more than welcome!!
Metro Area Contacts
John Sullivan @
Keith Pender @
Joe Devereaux @
5. For information concerning clinics in both Placentia & Corner Brook, please contact the personnel identified below:
Richard Bohlke @
Corner Brook
Bud Sullivan @
6. Local Softball Associations encouraged to start up an Umpire Program to assist you with officiating Softball in your local areas.
Registration Fee/Clinic Cost
Level I $25.00/$25.00 ($50.00)
Level II $40.00/$25.00 ($65.00)
Level III, IV, V $70.00/$25.00 ($95.00)
** Corner Brook/Placentia registration and clinic fees must be forwarded to the Umpire-in-Chief by 31 July 2011.
** Completion of the attached Registration Form (See Newsletter Section) is mandatory for all and must be forwarded to the SNL UIC immediately after a clinic.
Provincial Game Rates (Plate/Base)
-Minor Slo-Pitch ($25/$25)
-Minor Fast Pitch ($30/$30
-Midget, Junior & Intermediate ($35/$35)
-Senior ($40/$40)