Softball NL Email Address
To: Softball NL Membership
Fr: Softball NL Board of Directors (Executive)
Date: Monday, March 28th, 2011
Re: Softball NL Email Address
Softball Newfoundland and Labrador would like to advise its membership that the following email address should be used when sending emails to Softball Newfoundland and Labrador or any member of the Board of Directors (Elected and/or Appointed Positions).
The email address is available on the front page and is also the email address provided for all members of the Board of Directors (Elected and Appointed Positions) in the Executive Section.
This change was deemed necessary in order to be more effective in dealing with issues that arise, will be able to direct incoming emails to the person or persons who are capable of dealing with the issues or requests and will allow emails to be received in a prompt manner and replied to in a timely fashion.
Softball Newfoundland & Labrador