To The Entire Softball NL Membership
The Softball NL Return To Sport Plan has been reviewed and approved by Public Health. It is posted on the Sport NL Website (Return To Sport Plans) and will be made available on the Softball NL Website, as well as posted on the Softball NL Twitter Account and Softball NL Facebook Page. It has been a longer process than expected, but needless to say, we are pleased that it has been approved and those anxiously waiting can get the ball rolling. As you can see, Phase 2 gives us permission for Associations to now complete against other Associations (May 15 – September 15) and for League Play to take place between May 30 – September 30. All activities must take place following COVID-19 Protocols.
Also, you will see in the document, we currently do not have permission for tournaments to take place and that is across the board with all sports. More information will be provided if tournaments will be permitted. We hold out hope that as we get closer to the summer and things settle down, we will get permission for tournaments, but for now only Skills and Drills, Practices, Games and Leagues are permitted.
On behalf of the Board of Directors for Softball NL, we would like to thank Sport NL, the Provincial Government, Public Health and you – Our Membership – for your continued support and commitment. We are looking forward to a great 2021 Softball Season and if you any questions or concerns, please free to contact me.
Take Care, Stay Safe and Keep In Touch.
Dave Feener
Executive Director
Softball NL
1296A Kenmount Road, Paradise, NL
A1L 1N3
(709) 576-3418