Softball NL Umpire Clinic (Metro Area)

Attention Interested Umpires:

1. Softball Newfoundland & Labrador (Metro Area) will host a Softball Umpire Clinic as follows:

Who: All interested umpires (players/coaches welcome)

Date: Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Time: 9:00 AM–5:00 PM

Where: 312 Charter Avenue @ CFS St. John’s in Pleasantville

Dress: Relaxed fitness gear; pen & paper

Cost: Cash Preferred (Cheques/Money Orders made payable to Softball Newfoundland & Labrador)

Lunch: Is a personal responsibility for all from 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Map: See Newsletters Section SNL Umpire Clinic

Potential Instructors:

Keith Pender (
John Sullivan (
Terry Sweeney (
Joe Devereaux (
Gerald Cox (


Level I – (1st Year Umpires)
Registration of $25.00/Clinic Fee of $25.00 = $50.00 plus $10.00 for Rule Book = $60.00

Level II – (2nd & 3rd Year Umpires)
Registration of $40.00/Clinic Fee of $25.00 = $65.00 plus $10.00 for Rule Book = $75.00

Level III-V
Registration of $70.00/Clinic Fee of $25.00 = $95.00 plus $10.00 for Rule Book = $105.00

3. Clinics will also be conducted as follows with time & place determined by the following areas:

Corner Brook
Bud Sullivan (

Richard Bohlke (

4. Questions may be directed to the undersigned.

John Sullivan
Softball Newfoundland & Labrador