Update #4 – Coronavirus (COVID-19)
From: Gary Corbett – Softball NL President
Dave Feener – Softball NL Executive Director
Softball NL Board of Directors
Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2020
RE: Online Coaching Courses
Softball NL Membership,
As we continue to deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we thought we would provide some information that some coaches could avail of that will benefit them for their coach education. As many of you would be aware, Softball Canada has created an Online Coaching Program called “Foundations of Coaching Softball” – FOCS. This program is available in two parts (see photo below). Keep in mind that these courses are for beginning coaches only and these must be completed before these coaches can participate in the Community Sport – Ongoing Participation and Competition Introduction Programs. This is a very convenient way to get started. In order to access these courses, coaches must first register with the Coaching Association of Canada and create an NCCP Number – National Coaching Association of Canada by visiting: https://thelocker.coach.ca/.
When you register and create your number, you will then be able to access FOCS in The Locker by clicking on E-Learning and then Softball in the drop down box. There is a small fee for each part.
As we move forward, Softball NL will be looking at providing further information sessions via Online Courses, Webinars, etc, so stay tuned for that. If you have suggestions, please feel free to contact Softball NL Executive Director Dave Feener by email at executivedirector@softballnl.ca or by phone at 709-576-3418.
As was posted on Sunday, March 29, 2020, the Provincial Government has postponed the 2020 NL Summer Games that was scheduled for Bay Roberts this coming August. Obviously health and safety is first and foremost and Softball NL supports this decision.
Also, Softball Canada will be hosting a conference call today (Tuesday, March 31, 2020) with Provinces and Territories to discuss many things, including a deadline as to whether the 2020 Canadian Fastpitch Championships will go ahead or not.
As a reminder to you all, Softball NL has a broad social media platform. We will continue to post our updates on these sites. Please share this with your membership.
We Are In This Together!
Gary Corbett – Softball NL President
Dave Feener – Softball NL Executive Director
Softball NL Board of Directors
Softball NL
1296A Kenmount Road
Paradise, NL, A1L 1N3
Email: executivedirector@softballnl.
(709) 576-3418
Website: www.softballnl.ca
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SoftballNL
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/